The Organization

The Team

The Logo

Notes from the Field

Going to School with M-PESA

Missing Water Money: Playing Nancy Drew Made Easy by M-PESA

Does M-PESA in Kenya Crowd Out Corner Store Bankers?

Money in a Pot: Has OIBM Altered Savings in Rural Malawi?

The Emerging Effects of M-Pesa's Rural Outreach at the Household Level

Hello... Cell Phones or Landlines for Poverty Status Indicator?

The Logo

The logo represents a combination of the microfinance triangle (see Manfred Zeller and Richard Meyer, The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach, and Impact) and a pyramid, where people can move "up the road" from the base to the top. It also reflects the triangular efforts between the two research organizations and the donor, represented in the colors.